This Program Is Not For You If…
- If you are someone not looking to go all the way when it comes to becoming a highly sought-after Data Science professional
- If you are someone who likes spending lakhs of Rupees on Courses
Working Professionals, College Students and Freshers...
Transform your Career with: Master Data Science Bootcamp to secure a Minimum 9 LPA Package or get a Salary Hike upto 87%, Guaranteed!
Attend My Exclusive Bootcamp And Use My DSLPD Formula To Get Your First Job as Data Scientist Or A Salary Hike Without Spending Lacs To Expensive Courses

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- Master Python Programming: You will master Python Programming and get experience with Industry standard projects
- Learn to Work on Machine Learning Projects: You will get real-time experience working on Machine Learning Projects.
- Learn to Work on Artificial Intelligence Projects: You will get real-time experience working on Artificial Intelligence Projects
- Data Science Tool Mastery: You will master the most demanded Tools by top MNCs globally
See what learners are saying...

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Who This Bootcamp Is For
Working professionals
College students
Students and recent graduates
Non-technical professionals
Anyone interested

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(And Unlock Bonuses & Programs Worth ₹29,250/-)

Self-Paced Learning Modules by industry experts

Dedicated professional support by expert engineers

Hands-on industry-standard projects to apply your learnings

Active community to support you throughout your learning journey
Please Check All The Boxes That Are True For You!
My Salary Package is Very Low and I want to Get into a High Paying Industry.
I am from the Non Technical Background and want to Learn Data Science or Analytics from Scratch to Advance Level.
All other Data Science Courses in the Industry Charges Tens of Thousands and Lakhs for a Program.
I want to get the exact Roadmap and framework for me to help to become top 1% in the Industry.
I want to Start my Career and want to Join the Most Opportunistic Industry which has long term growth.
My current Job is very Hectic and also i see no work life balance here, I want to Transit to one of the Highest potential Industry.
Limited resources, such as budget or time, prevent me from investing in expensive data science software or training.
I want to Learn with Some of the Best in the industry Mentors and Professionals.
If You’ve Checked One Or More Than One Boxes Above,
Then This Workshop Is Exactly For You, To Solve Your Problems!
Incubated and Collaborated

we have trained more than tens of thousands of
students and working professionals, equipping them with the
skills and insights needed to excel in the field of data science.
Our dedication to excellence has been recognized through our collaboration and incubation by WeSchool Bangalore, one of the Best Management Institutes in India. This partnership has further enriched our ability to provide comprehensive, industry-relevant data science education to individuals like you.
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The #1 Mistake That Most Beginners Make…
Let's get honest for a moment:
If you’re like most beginner data science professionals, you must’ve gone through this journey so far…
You started learning Data Science or Machine Learning for a college course or through Youtube videos out of curiosity
And have developed a basic temperament of what Data Science is all about.
Chances are you might’ve also gone through some course of platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or at least some book on Data Science…
And now you are looking to build a career for yourself in the field of Data Science, Python, or Machine Learning.
But there’s one huge, looming problem…
All these free and paid courses on these platforms, the Youtube videos, or even the books provide you with information in small and tiny tidbits,
And preparing for interviews with such information feels more like a blindfolded shot where you are hoping to hit jackpot on your first try...
You know what I’m talking about, right?
However, truth be,
There are thousands of students and working professionals that getting high-paying jobs from top tech companies globally…sometimes right out of college
And there is an evident skill gap & hence a pay gap between them and you…
The reason this is so is because, they’ve become what we call as:
Highly Sought-After Data Science Professionals
The ones that top tech companies and MNCs are happy paying exceedingly high salaries for the combinations’ of skill sets they bring to the table…
And maybe you do have a comparable skillset and its just that you aren’t able to channel it to become a sought-after professional
So, in order to help people like you overcome all these obstacles and become a highly sought-after data science professional,
We created the Master Data Science BootCamp.
A step-by-step self-paced training program in data science, specifically designed to help you master data science and become a sought-after data science professional that top tech firms and MNCs are looking to hire.
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Key Topics
Guests & Experts
Successful Students
Including Learners from Companies like:

Enrolled by
Avg Rating
Avg Rating

- Why Youtube is not the best place to learn - Though you can find anything you want, there is no properly organized system of learning.
- Skillshare, Coursera, is very costly, and average completion rate is 4%, organised bt boring
- Traditional Data Science Degree is Costly and it takes a lot of time and effort plus barrier of entry is super high.
- In ₹600/- you’ll get a Farmhouse Pizza

- Unicliff is highly organized, systematized, illustrated and easily understandable.
- Community Driven learning, Internship opportunity, Learning Support
- It is self paced and affordable, you can do it as a student or working professioinal
- In ₹399/- you get the complete The Master Data Science Bootcamp
Bootcamp Curriculum
- Program 1: Data Science Introduction
> Data Science Introduction.
> Data Science Modules.
> Application of Data Science across multiple Industries.
> Career Opportunities in Data Science
> Scope of Data Science across different Business Domains
> How Data Science used in ERP and CRM?
> How Data Science used in HR and Operational Management?
> How Data Science Used in Supply Chain Management?
> How Data Science Used in Logistics?
> Data Collection Methods and Data Cleaning
> Data Processing Process
> EDA – Exploratory Data Analysis
> Machine Learning and Data Visualisation
> Building the automated Model
- Program 2: Python for Data analytics
> Python Introduction
> Python IDE – Spyder, Jupiter and Notebook
> Numpy Packages
> Pandas Packages
> Matplotlib Packages
> Scipy Packages
> Sklearn Packages
> Variable Declaration
> String Declaration
> Tuple Declaration
> Python Programming
> Dictionary Declaration
> List Declaration
> Set Declaration
> Python Data Types
> Declaration of Array
> Universal Function of Numpy
> Binary Functions of Numpy
> Logical Functions of Numpy
> Statistical Functions of Numpy
> Pandas Packages
> Accessing File Processing
> Merging the Dataframe
> Joins – Inner,Outer,Left and Right
> handling the Null values
> Handling the Duplicates
> Introduction to matplolib packages
> Representation of Line Graph
> Representation of Multi Line Graph
> Including the Legends
> Representation of Histogram
> Representation of Scatter Diagram
> Representation of Box Plot
> Representation of Bar Graph
> Representation of Area Chart
> Representation of Dual Axis
> Array Shapping Using Numpy Package
> Reverse Matrix Analysis using Numpy Package
> Python Operators – Addition, Subtration and Multiplication
> Boolean Operators Execution
> String Manupulation
> Execution of IF Loop, IF-ELSE Loop
> Execution of For Loop
> Execution of While Loop
> Execution of IF-ELSE-ELSEIF Loop
> Handling Missing Values
> Handling Duplicates Values
> Handling Data Preparation Process
> Python – Funtions with Arguments
> Python – Funtions without Arguments
> Python – Functions with Arbitary Arguments
> Python – Functions with Keyword Arguments
> Python – Data Collection Methods
> Primary and Secondary Sources of Data
> File Processing using Python
- Program 3: Statistical concepts in for Data Science
> Undertand difference between Population vs Sample
> Importance of statistical concepts in data science
> Importance of statistical concepts in ML models
> Know the foundation principal in statistics – Central Limit Theorem
> Understand the importance of Mean, Medium
> Understand the importance of Mode of a variable
> Understand the importance of Variance of a variable
> Understand the importance of Standard Deviation of a variable
> Application of central tendencies for data analysis
> Application of Measures of Spread for data analysis
> Application of Central Limit Theorem for data analysis.
> Different Types of Measuring Scales
> Importance of Nominal Scales
> Importance of Ordinal Scales
> Importance of Interval Scales
> Importance of Ratio Scales
> Usage of correlation for data analysis
> Usage of regression concepts for data analysis
- Program 4: Advanced Statistical concepts for Data Science
> Formulation of Hypothesis
> Selection of Statistical Test
> Level of Significance and Degree of Freedom
> Computing the Calculated Values
> Computing the Table Values
> Comparing Calculated and Table Values
> Hypothesis Conclusion
> Learn to perform T-test to measure the variance between the means of two samples or population
> Learn to perform Z-test to measure the variance between the means of two samples or population
> Learn to perform Chi Square-test to measure the variance between the means of two samples or population
> Wilcoxson Sign Test and Friedman Test
> MannWhitney Test and Krushkal Wallis Test
> One Sample T-Test
> 2-Sample Paired T test
> 2-Sample Independent T test
> Introduction to ANOVA
> What is One Way ANOVA?
> What is Two way ANOVA?
> What is Multi way ANOVA?
> What is ANCOVA?
> Difference between ANOVA and ANCOVA?
> Introduction to probability
> Types of events
> Marginal Probability
> Baye’s Theorem
> Introduction to Probability Distribution
> Binomial Probability
> Possion Probability Distribution
> Hypergeometric Probability Distribution
> Uniform Probability Distribution
> Normal Probability Distribution
> Exponential Probability Distribution
- Program 5: Machine Learning
> Linear Predictive Analysis
> Implementation of Predictive Analysis Using Python
> What is Multiple Predictive Model?
> Building the Multiple Predictive Model using Python
> Assumption of Multiple Predictive Model
> AutoCorrelation,MultiColliniearity and Hetrosadacity
> How Simple Predictive Model used in real time application
> How Multiple Predictive Model used in Real Time Application
> Simple Predictive Model used in Real Time Industry
> Multiple Predictive Model used in Real Time Industry
> Comparing Simple and Multiple Predictive Model using Python
> What is Correlation Analysis?
> Correlation Coefficient and Hypothesis Testing
> Product Movement Correlation, Partial Correlation and Non Metric Co-relation
> Introduction to Classification Model
> Framming Single and Multiple Predictor Model
> Application of Classification Model
> Introduction to Discriminant Analysis
> Two Group Discriminant Analysis
> Three Group Discriminant Analysis
> Multiple Group Discriminant Analysis
> Application of Discriminant Analysis
> Introduction to Association Rule
> What is Apriori Algorithm?
> How Apriori Algorithm used to Build to Recommendation System?
> What is MBA(Market Basket Analysis)?
> Application of MBA in Retail and Telecom Sectors
> How MBA helps to Build the Recommendation System?
- Program 6: Summarisation of Data Science Algorithm(Data Science Process)
> Data Science and it’s Modules
> Prediction and Classification Algorithm
> Application of Data Science
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Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Dinesh Babu
Ph.D. Bits Pilani, Ex - Capegemini
Data Analyst, Data Scientist
With over 12+ years of working experience as a Data Modeler and Data Analyst, Dr. Dinesh Babu has been at the forefront of Data Science developments and progress in India.
With high proficiency in Requirement Gathering and Data Modeling, and working actively as a leader in the field of OLTP, Data Warehousing, OLAP, and ETL Environment Dr. Dinesh has helped hundreds and thousands of young minds with quick adaptability to new technologies.
Apart from his core competency, Dr. Dinesh is also an expert in Business Intelligence Solutions in Data warehousing / Decision Support Systems using ETL tools Informatica, OLAP, OLTP, and Data Warehouse Reports using Business Objects, Crystal Reports.
With this course, he and the whole Unicliff team want to help maximum possible learners get the most comprehensive and industry-specific knowledge at the most affordable price point so that they can ignite their careers and excel in the field.

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Go From Novice to Pro In 30 Days
- You don't need any prior experience in data science or coding to join the Bootcamp.
- The course material is designed to be easy-to-follow and accessible for beginners, with step-by-step instructions and hands-on exercises.
- All you need is a computer and an internet connection.
- You will receive support and feedback from experienced instructors throughout the entire course to ensure you stay on track and achieve your goals.
- The skills you'll learn in this Bootcamp are in high demand in today's job market, and the program includes job search support and guidance to help you land your dream job.
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₹9,249 Worth Bonuses Waiting for You:
- ₹9,249 in tools, training, and ebooks that will help you become a sought-after Power BI Professional (FREE for a limited time only)
- Career Propellant Ebook -A 57 interview questions book with all questions you will ever need to clear the interview round in any Top MNC Globally. (₹ 2,999 Value)
- 15+ Tools to Learn - Work on the tools that the Industry uses and get yourself 10 steps ahead of the competition. (₹ 6,250 Value)
Amounting to a total value of well over:
₹29,250 in value!
And we provide all this for just-
The Reason: We started with the only intention of making a high Paying Data Science career accessible to everyone, even with a tight financial budget.
That’s why we have kept the program affordable and it includes everything that you will need to start a high-paying career in Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Analytics or AI Expert.
Nothing Less. Nothing More.
Although we do have a Premium Ace Membership that makes it further easier for you to land a high-paying job, this program has everything a decent hard worker would need to find their way to a high-paying job in Data Science or Data Analytics.
No strings attached.
So, Ready to Quickstart Your Career?
Master Data Science Bootcamp
(Over ₹29,250 in value)
(Offer Valid Only for Today)
Frequently Asked Questions
You get lifetime access to our community and network of professionals that will expose you to some of the best opportunities for work and internships in India.
Professional support expert engineers are always available to address all your questions or concerns. Plus we have a close-knit community to help you through your journey.(Platinum Batch)
Learners will work on one project that gets designed by working professionals and is a replica of the problems they’re currently addressing working in the industry.
A basic level of interest and keen dedication is all that you need to complete this course and successfully become a sought-after Power BI professional.
Priyanshu Chaubey will be your Mentor and Trainer, working in Accenture, Ex – Tech Mahindra
Data Science is currently one of the highest-paying careers in India and the average salary is about 10 LPA according to Data on Glassdoor.
After Enrollment to the Master Data Science Bootcamp we provide an optional upgrade from the current (Gold) Membership to Platinum Membership where students receive the Additional Benefits.
Yes we provide placement Assistance at this course (which is in platinum ,membership).